Denise Griffitts

Denise Griffitts


Get Your Voice Heard!

Getting Your Voice Heard has never been easier with the guidance of podcast expert Denise Griffitts. With over 15 years of podcasting experience and a passion for helping others, Denise has become a sought-after coach and mentor in the podcasting industry. Her personalized approach focuses on empowering podcasters to develop their unique voice and style, while growing their audience and enhancing the overall quality of their podcast. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your podcast to the next level, Denise can help you achieve your goals and amplify your message. So, why wait? Start your podcasting journey today with Denise Griffitts and Get Your Voice Heard!

Initial Podcast Launch Consultation

1 Hour

You are ready to create your podcast but are overwhelmed by the logistics of it all, and frankly, the bad advice that you are probably getting in too many Facebook groups. I am happy to chat with you to help you sort it all out and get your podcast up and running smoothly and without losing your mind.

Don’t let your voice go unheard – take action now and discover the power of personalized guidance with Denise Griffitts – Book your $147 exclusive consultation now and start podcasting!

Website and Digital Marketing Consultation (FREE)

30 minutes

Have you noticed that the world is always more exciting when you aren’t the one being run over by it?
You need a website. You need social media management that actually works. You need a podcast. You have no idea where to start and it is wearing you out so you do nothing and watch helplessly as others take action and absolutely run with it.

Don’t let the world run over you! Schedule your free 30-minute digital business consultation with me today.

Launch Your Podcast Now Consultation

2 hours

Unlock the power of your voice and share your unique message with the world! The “Launch Your Podcast Now” consultation offers you a comprehensive 2-hour session on Zoom where I guide you through the essential steps to kickstart your podcasting journey. During our 2-hour session, we’ll connect via Zoom to discuss your unique needs and goals, and I’ll share my expertise and practical tips to help you launch with confidence. And to make things even easier, our session will be recorded so you can revisit our conversation whenever you need a little extra guidance. Let’s work together to turn your podcast dreams into a reality!

Don’t let your voice go unheard – Experience the value of a personalized consultation with Denise Griffitts for only $297.00. Book your appointment now!

Launch Your Podcast Now Consultation

4 hours

Are you feeling inspired to start your own podcast and share your message with the world, but not sure where to start? The Launch Your Podcast Now Consultation is here to help you get started!

This four-hour personalized coaching session will help you identify your unique strengths and goals, and create a customized strategy to kickstart your podcast journey. We’ll cover everything from selecting a compelling topic, developing your brand, and crafting engaging content.
Our coaching session is flexible and can be done in blocks of time that work for you, so it’s not overwhelming. We’ll meet via Zoom and provide you with expert guidance and practical tips to get you started.

Don’t wait any longer to bring your podcasting dreams to life. Let’s launch your podcast now and share your voice with the world! Schedule this powerful consultation with Denise Griffitts at just $497.00.