Denise Griffitts

Denise Griffitts

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a highly sought-after podcast guest that everyone wants to feature on their show? The kind that brings value, entertainment, and eloquent storytelling to the table, making show hosts eager to feature you and listeners keen to hear more from you. The kind who can leverage podcasts to reach new audiences and expand your brand’s reach?

Well, wonder no more. In this article, we’ll be revealing exactly how you can transform yourself into the dream podcast guest everyone wants on their show. We’ll show you how you can do it using the PAS framework, a powerful method for creating impactful and memorable content.

What is the PAS framework?

PAS is a copywriting framework developed by Dr. Robert Bly and adopted by marketing legend Gary Halbert as the basis for his legendary mail campaigns.

PAS outlines how to write copy that’s designed not just to get someone’s attention but also develop trust between you and your readers. It’s an acronym for the actual steps you’ll be following when you write your copy:

  1. Problem
  2. Agitate
  3. Solution

The Problem – The Challenge of Securing Podcast Guest Spots and Growing Your Reach

The podcast landscape has exploded in recent years, with millions of people tuning in to podcasts for entertainment, education, and inspiration. But with this explosive growth comes increased competition. There are now over 2 million podcasts and 48 million episodes on various platforms, making it increasingly challenging to stand out and be noticed as a guest.

The issue isn’t limited to being noticed by hosts alone. To truly leverage your podcast appearances, you need to deliver exceptional value and intrigue in a way that appeals to listeners and drives them to engage with your content, products or services. So, how do you get there? How do you ensure that your personality, stories, and insights are intriguing enough to have hosts lining up to feature you?

The Agitation – Consequences of Being an Unremarkable Podcast Guest

The consequences of being just another unimpressionable podcast guest can be dire. First and foremost, show hosts won’t be eager to invite you back or recommend you to others. This puts a quick end to any potential networking opportunities and renders all your efforts largely ineffective.

Secondly, a less-than-stellar podcast appearance can lead to lower listener engagement. No matter how intriguing your background or how excellent your products or services, if you lack the ability to captivate and entertain podcast listeners, you’ll struggle to convert them into fans, clients or customers.

Finally, and perhaps the most subtly damaging, is the impact on your reputation. A string of unremarkable podcast appearances can position you as someone who doesn’t bring much value to the table. In the hyper-competitive world of thought leadership, this could be devastating. It’s time to put an end to this downward spiral, and the PAS framework is the solution that will make it happen.

The Solution – Leveraging the PAS Framework to Become a Highly Sought-After Podcast Guest

The PAS Framework (Problem, Agitate, Solve) is a proven method for crafting compelling content, and the same principles can be applied to create podcast guest experiences that captivate and entertain both hosts and listeners.

Step 1: Identify the “Problem” – Determine what topic, issue or challenge your target audience wants to learn about. Relate this to your expertise and the specific solutions you offer. Aligning your guest appearances with topics that are relevant and emotionally resonant to your target audience will set the stage for a winning podcast performance.

Step 2: Agitate the “Problem” – Use storytelling techniques to build context, evoke emotion, and highlight the pain points associated with the issue you’re discussing. This allows you to showcase your knowledge and connect with listeners on a deeper level. The more emotionally invested listeners become, the more they’ll want to hear what you have to say—and the more hosts will see your true value as a guest.

Step 3: Solve the “Problem” – Offer actionable and valuable insights to help your listeners overcome the issue at hand. Be generous with your knowledge, and provide tangible takeaways that demonstrate your expert status and prove your worth to both the podcast host and listeners alike.


By employing the PAS framework in your preparation and presentation as a podcast guest, you’ll become a sought-after expert who stands out in a sea of competition. In doing so, you’ll enjoy the benefits of increased invitations for guest appearances, the ability to reach new audiences, and a reputation as an engaging, insightful speaker who delivers value time and time again.

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